Infinite Innovations is a Malawian innovation and technology institution located in Lilongwe, Malawi at Corporate Mall in area 4, along Paul Kagame road (Chilambula). The institution has facilitated over 1 million USD in financing to emerging entrepreneurs over 4 years creating more than 700 jobs and impacting over 3,000 people in diverse value chains. The institution has trained over 25,000 youths with business and technology skills.

Best creative co-working environment that suits your business in Malawi.
We provide a creative and stimulating co-working space for young innovators and entrepreneurs. Our investment is to keep on connecting all young people in Malawi to on-job skills by leveraging technology in order to deal with contextual challenges that retard development.

Business Acceleration for Youth (BA4Y)
Business Acceleration for Youth (BA4Y) is a five- year innovative program supported by USAID Malawi and led by the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT (ABC). The BA4Y exertion is grounded upon an adaptability- led sustainable strategy and aims to work the power of the private sector to reduce the need for long- term philanthropic backing. Main motive is to accelerate and invest in youth- possessed or youth- led enterprises. BA4Y will develop a sector- agnostic investable channel of businesses by de-risking and mobilising capital and establishing an inclusive and diversified private sector ecosystem.
Infinite Innovation Technology was established as an engine to support wealth creation in Malawi based on Malawi Development and Growth Strategy (Malawi Agenda 2063) through the strengthening of SMEs and startups and facilitation of partnerships and knowledge transfer. IIT its approach emphasizes on facilitating partnerships between SMEs and financial institutions.
How can we help you?

1. Women Economic Empowerment
The Women Economic Empowerment Program seeks to support women entrepreneurs in six districts with financing, branding, business development and mentorship with funding from UN Women.

2. Jobs for Youth
The Jobs for Youth program is a youth centric project that seeks to enhance the ICT and business development skills of young innovators at ideation stage. The project is embedded within the Ministry of Youth’s larger Jobs for Youth program supported by the African Development Bank.

3. Growth Accelerator
Growth Accelerator is a business acceleration programme that supports early stage innovative and impactful entrepreneurs with investment of up to $40,000 in financing, technical assistance and mentorship. The program is supported by UNDP and the Royal Nowergian Embassy. The program is implemented by IIT
Our Work

Our technology offer is designed for contextual innovations
We develop innovative technology solutions for diverse clients. We train children, youth and women with digital skills from basic digital skills to advanced software development. We have a Children’s coding club, Girls coding Club, Robotics Club and Microbit community.